Going without: Are you giving up anything for Lent?

Next Tuesday is time to eat lots of pancakes – are you as excited as me? I just love them and yes, they can be healthy (unless you decide to chuck on the Nutella that is)! Are you just having pancakes for dessert or are you going all out and having it as main and dessert? I’m in the latter camp – a lovely spinach, feta and pine nut main followed by fruit and crème fraiche for dessert. 😊
Anyway, as I’m sure you know, this day of ‘indulgence’ is the pre-curser for something bigger – Lent. The history lesson: its significance lies in the fact that Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness fasting, prior to his death and resurrection. A story of sadness and joy, Christians now use this period for enlightenment and purification, through abstinence. So yes it’s rooted to religion, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give it a try, as it’s all about challenging ourselves to go without and making positive changes to our life.
Now, the fact I’m in the health profession, depriving yourself through elimination diets isn’t something I support – I encourage people to get more balance with their nutrition rather than cutting things out entirely. That said, something like this can be a good kick start, and of course the thing you give up, doesn’t necessarily need to be food/drink. It could be a change of behaviour (there are lots of ‘giving back’ options) or a habit you’d like to kick (always being late for example).
Above all it’s an experience and a challenge whether you’re religious or not and whether you choose food or not. It will help you appreciate the abundance in your life and 40 days is a long time, so plenty long enough for you to change something that has become a habit. And ultimately, I hope that the 40 days is the start of something new and that it will bring a lasting and positive change.
Do this with me! Let me know in the comments what you’re going to give up and we can support each other in our journey. As mentioned in previous blogs, accountability will help drive you forward.
And by the way, my chocolate habit has got a bit out of hand so that’s my big challenge this year.